Upgrade to EMV-Compatible Solutions for Your Fuel Dispensers.

Outside EMV
Outside EMV Software delivery and installation coordination is critical to ensuring our customers
are ready for the coming liability shift.
Outside EMV is a major achievement for the industry and a coordinated implementation is critical for a timely success. Fiscal Systems is committed to partner with its customers in their EMV installations. Fiscal Systems stands ready to support you throughout the process.
The below chart illustrates the current status of the Fiscal Systems production readiness for Outside EMV installations. If you have any questions, reach out to your sales representative.
Contactless (in development)
Fiserv | Heartland | Worldpay |
Wayne iX Pay | Wayne iX Pay | Wayne iX Pay |
Gilbarco FlexPay IV | Gilbarco FlexPay IV | Gilbarco FlexPay IV |
Bennett | Bennett | Bennett |
ID TECH OPT (in development) | ID TECH OPT (in development) | ID TECH OPT (Visa Fleet 2.0 supported) |
Voyager EMV | Voyager EMV (in development) | Voyager EMV |
WEX EMV | WEX EMV (in development) | WEX EMV (in development) |
Gilbarco FlexPay 6 (in development – later this year)
Getting Ready For
Outside EMV
First Step
Complete your Site Survey!
A OEMV Site Survey is needed to ensure all hardware and software requirements are met before the installation is scheduled. Upon receipt of the site survey, a Fiscal Systems support technician will assess site readiness and schedule a call with you to review any deficiencies and map a plan to get your site EMV ready.
Second Step
Ensure you are compliant with Fiscal Systems supported Hardware and Software
Three key areas should be considered in EMV preparation: Dispenser Firmware and Hardware, Forecourt Hardware and Operating System and Communications protocol.
Dispenser Firmware and Hardware
Fiscal is EMV certified against a specific set of dispenser firmware and hardware versions. This hardware must be installed for compatibility with the Fiscal EMV Software and certification. Non-compliance cannot be guaranteed or supported.
Communications Protocol
EMV processing requires a new communications protocol, which may result in additional equipment.
Forecourt Controller Hardware and Operating System
Fiscal outside EMV software is compatible with our PetroVerse Forecourt Controller model 360 or newer. In addition, the forecourt controller must be updated with the SUSE SLES 15.3 or newer operating system.

Second Step:
Ensure you are compliant with Fiscal Systems supported Hardware and Software
Three key areas should be considered in EMV preparation: Dispenser Firmware and Hardware, Forecourt Hardware and Operating System and Communications protocol.
Dispenser Firmware and Hardware
Fiscal is EMV certified against a specific set of dispenser firmware and hardware versions. This hardware must be installed for compatibility with the Fiscal EMV Software and certification. Non-compliance cannot be guaranteed or supported.
Forecourt Controller Hardware and Operating System
Fiscal outside EMV software is compatible with forecourt controller model 360 or newer. In addition, the forecourt controller must be updated with the SUSE SLES 15.3 or newer operating system.
Communications Protocol
EMV processing requires a new communications protocol, which may result in additional equipment.
Third Step
Securing Fiscal Outdoor EMV Software
Fiscal Systems outside EMV software will be made available upon submission of the site survey and installation scheduling. Fiscal Systems will be pleased to offer an assisted installation, if needed. With an assisted installation, the outside EMV software will be installed by a Fiscal Technician onsite. With a self-installation, Fiscal Systems will assist the customer with installation protocols for software installation.

OEMV Contact Information